Friday, September 25, 2009

I love playing with my new yo-yo=).

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Today, Miss Lee was sick and lessons was BORING!
The teacher that take charge is MRS LIM!
The whole lessons of hers is only MATH COURSE BOOK!
But i enjoy art lessons because i get to experience about many things=D.
I hope my teacher will be back tomorrow.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Last few days, i was so scared that teacher will scold me becasue i lose the important survey but i did found it in the end.

Today i went to the computer lab with my class for computer lessons. My friend, Rachel is sitting next to me. After we have finish our work, we decided to draw Mr Cow. Mr Cow is my teacher,Miss Lee favourite pencil box. We drew it and Ms Lee said our drawing is very nice. I like Miss Lee. SHE IS MY BEST TEACHER IN THE WORLD. I wish every year she can teach my=).